“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…”
Ever feel divergent? I come around to thoughts of divergence often. What am I diverging from? My own thoughts? A set script? A chosen path? Someone else’s chosen path? Merging, diverging, converging.
This seemed much simpler in the poem, “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. One of my favorite poems as a kid. Divergence seemed like a viable option. It was alluring to consider.
How would Robert Frost be diagnosed today? Would society deem him depressed? Would he have an attention deficit disorder? Would he be medicated? Would he be popular? Would he be censored?
The poem starts out with the two roads diverging in a yellow wood… and it ends: “I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Ah, such a breath of heart-felt, soul-deep air. I had yet to really know how apt these words would be. Or how frequent this theme would play over and over again throughout my life.
Was Mr. Frost inducing some inception? Was his poem a 2-dimensional packaging of alchemy? Through the years I wonder about such things and what were the divine influences.
Dare I embrace what would be considered a divergent nature? Has society changed its mind about divergence?
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What would Robert Frost think of our current century? Would he have an opinion on the recent trend in sci-fi movies about the concepts around “divergent” characters and their relationship within society. From the Divergent series to X-men to Westworld, there are a multitude of messages — subtle and overt — about the dangers of being divergent from what is considered normal or mainstream.
Consistent reminders that ‘The Road Not Taken’ will be wrought with obstacle and adversity. A strong message that some members of the outer world prefer you fit within a particular box. Upon understanding your given categories, will you label yourself and set yourself to the limits of that faction? If you deem yourself facttionless, will you be punished?
Sometimes there’s a hero’s journey within these stories. Can one take pride in being divergent? Can a diverging path be allowed? There are glimmers of hope for alignment with one’s authentic self.
For me, it loops back around. Purpose is not to move away from what’s considered common, or what is shared. Purpose is to come back around with added new gifts of perception
What is it all for? Is it for further fulfillment?Sometimes I feel like I arrive at a dimensional plateau where I try to weave the divergent paths. It can be fun. It can also be frustrating when all the threads fall off the table. Loosely laying there, not fully intertwined. Almost wanting to remain as base material and not wanting to be woven.
The karma police of divergent paths enter the stage. Do they force you to converge? Or do you merely take joy in the art of merging? If the choice is yours, what do you prefer? Would you continue to swim in a sea of divergence?