Words with Dani Katz & Emily Moyer
A Words Podcast Retrospective — Revisiting 2020!
Taking it back to 2020 with Dani Katz & Emily Moyer on the Words Podcast.
There’s much to consider with doing a retrospective. Dani and Emily have been doing the Words podcast for 6+ years with approximately 100 episodes. As I became acquainted with the podcast (and additional livestreams) throughout 2024, I found myself perusing through their back catalog.
My first deep dive was with episodes in the 50s and 60s — exploring the likes of Rebel Wisdom, the IDW, and the Joe-Rogan-adjacent crowd. Then I decided to continue to delve further back into the Words podcast archives.
During 2024, it’s been a top priority of mine to review a slew of podcasts from 2020. It’s incredible to hear other discussions that I missed from that time. Discussions I believe I would’ve found very helpful if I heard them when they first aired. So, in an attempt to merge some timelines, I went back to see what was just out of reach then.
I appreciate Dani’s and Emily’s ability to be direct and earnest, and occasionally scorched earth. When these podcasts first came online, people in my world were being very measured with their words. As I listen to these discussions now, I can remember having some similar thoughts. Yet having no one to share so brazenly about how I was truly feeling.
Words #21 — It’s a S%*t Show Out There… (04–14–20)
Dani starts off by stating her “deep, deep, deep disappointment in humanity right now” due to the continued choice towards willful ignorance and the refusal to do any due diligence. Dani mentioned how she did a 20-minunte video on how to be a well-researched person. Dealing with the current situation of how people are walking around masked and gagged. Wanting to extend compassion, but it’s also really frustrating. We’re all working at different levels of consciousness.
Emily says regardless of what source of information anyone is going to use, they should be questioning things. How are people even still listening to CNN anymore anyway? Dani mentions how the test is testing for dormant genetic material. Which we all have.
The fear mongering is so egregious and so reckless, and sadistic at this point. Fear is the worst thing for physiology, and they’re shooting it out. Whenever something is on the news this loud, we know “the news” is lying. This is cranked past the point of anything sane.
Emily brings up chemtrails. Like how they say they don’t do it, yet they are doing it. Which it’s likely having effects on global warming. Then they use it to justify a need to do the chemtrails.
The point is made about how Bill Gates is not a health-related person, he’s a computer virus person. That’s what he did, he created the first computer virus. Like with computer stuff, you have to always update it. Why does Bill Gates even have a say in this. He’s a billionaire tech guy? (Tyranny under the guise of philanthropy.)
Dani says, “Get off your knees. Take that shit off your face and just move on with your life.” I gotta give props to her publicly saying this, especially at the time this first aired. I remember spring 2020 vividly, and saying stuff like this would get you censored in many places.
Emily mentions that she enjoyed some of the things RFK Jr has put out, and how during the same week his niece and niece’s son were found dead.
Next, they mention how the same people who were social just warriors are now social distancing warriors. Emily brings up the idea of it being a pro-choice thing (rather than a vax/anti-vax thing). Dani says anyone who’s for the whole pro-vax movement is for a pro-stupidity movement. “The arrogance of ignorance.” Dani says, “I’m not anti-vax, I’m pro-choice.” Emily agrees.
They’ve injected the term “anti-vax” to delegitimize anyone who has a different opinion. It muddies an actual conversation about human rights, fascism, Nuremberg trials. The term “anti-vax” is just meant to shut down the conversation. Just the fact that you’re unable to sue vax companies for injuries should be a red flag.
Dani points out some logic: If you’re vaccinated, doesn’t that make you safe — so why do you care what someone else chooses to do? It’s crazy how well the brainwashing is working. The vax thing is another extension of the virtue signaling.
Next was mention of liking videos from Andrew Kaufman, Thomas Cowan, Tom Barnett. Emily brought up Derrick Broze and how he’s telling people to stop tying 5G & corona together. But if you believe in freedom, you can’t tell people to stop talking about this in a certain way. Dani brings up how we’re not allowed to talk about 5G & corona, and how currently that’s the quickest way to get deplatformed right now. Even though from videos Dani has seen, the connection makes total sense.
Dani makes a strong proclamation: “There’s no virus. I really don’t believe there’s a virus.” Dani mentions the David Icke interview that’s getting Brian Rose censored. Emily thinks it’s a setup. Emily saw the first video of David with Brian, but not the second. Emily doesn’t want to sign up with Brian Rose’s new platform, and all the emails that come with it. Dani talks about some of the stuff from the second video.
Emily’s not saying that there isn’t a connection at all (with the 5G). Dani is suggesting that the effects of the 5G are now being mislabeled as corona. Adding that: “They have the cover story.”
Emily suggests that the reason for the shut down, and getting everyone off the streets is due to testing new facial recognition (which will work even with masked individuals). Dani adds that this lockdown is for at least 30 different reasons (not just to install 5G).
Is it just a test to see: “How stupid are people. How many people can we control?” Dani mentions the overlay map of where they turned on the 60 gigahertz frequency. First in Wuhan, then in Italy, and this connection to corona symptoms.
Emily has skepticism about the Brian Rose factor. (As do I. I’ve watched Brian Rose for many years. Although I like his interviewing and his guests, I find him very shady. And it feels like he’s pulling a stunt. That being said, I’m still glad David Icke was platformed to share his thoughts to such a wide audience.)’’
Dani says she loves him because he has guests who share varied opinions. Then Emily mentions the tactics Brian uses to promote his stuff. Dani mentions he’s milking it, but “we all do.” Can attribute this to us having a part of an ego that wants to say, “we were right.”
Dani doesn’t see anyone putting all the pieces together other than David Icke and Sasha Stone. Emily says she doesn’t listen to Sasha Stone anymore. Back to Brian Rose, Emily brings up all the new fans and money he’s making from this, so it’s questionable to say, is he really a victim of being censored?
Dani wants to drive home the point of not disregarding truth-tellers for any reason. (Which I agree with the point, but I’m not sure Brian Rose is a truth-teller. Although within the context of the censorship we’re facing, I’d much prefer to allow the airwaves to remain open, and to use discernment. Rather than not being able to hear it at all.)
Back to Derrick Broze, and the issue they have with him. Even a person who is for freedom of speech, supposedly, he’s telling people not to connect those things (5G and corona). Dani asks what is his reason for that? Emily says that it’s because it can do damage to the anti-5G movement. Emily understands his point, but if you want ultimate freedom, and anarchism, this will come with people doing things that you don’t like.
Dani feels like there’s a big uptick in communal social censorship. Men in her life telling her that she should stfu. Similar to this, Derrick’s approach is too controlling. Emily says, “if we’re really going to live in a society where we don’t have governmental controls. We have to learn to control ourselves, and not control other people, right.” For instance, taking an approach like: “I don’t like what this person is saying, but I respect their right to say it.”
Let the person at the end of the day with the most coherent argument and the most amount of evidence, win the argument. “Let’s throw all the noodles at the wall.” Dani adds, “let the cream rise to the top.”
Next, we’re onto mentioning the incentives for hospitals saying that someone died of corona (19k bonus for writing this on the death certificate & if put on a ventilator it’s 39k). This is concerning, isn’t it? Dani wants to thank those wearing the mask, because it shows her who’s not thinking. It shows who’s not sovereign and a slave. And she can easily see who the free people are.
Emily states how she never really liked Eric W. But she learned that he had James O’Keefe on his Portal Podcast. She couldn’t get over Eric’s arrogance. Noting that Eric had James on the podcast basically to flog him for his methods. Eric wants James to stop doing these “gotcha” videos. Eric doesn’t want to live in a world where he has to watch what he says in a bar. She felt like James handled the interview well. (I saw this podcast episode too, and thought James dealt with it well).
Dani says Eric W is the epitome of the leftist with the stance of: “I need you to be different, so that I can feel comfortable. I need you to change, so that my contracted comfort zone works for me.” Stating that Eric W is controlled disinformation 100% (just like Joe Rogan). Dani used to like him, until she found out he was in bed with George Soros, and the show that really killed it for her was when he was brow beating his brother Bret.
Dani can’t really watch Joe Rogan anymore. Stating how within a 1:54 timestamp, Joe said that we should expect to be in lockdown until July and that we should be fine with that. Eric said this is for our own safety and we should be thankful for that.
Dani brought up Daniel Schmachtenberger, who she always thought was awake and on the forefront. But ever since the crazy pathogen sham started happening, she noticed all he was posting was fear. She felt “this doesn’t add up” and “this person knows too much.”
Feeling similarly to the inconsistency she was feeling with Eric W. Also learning that Daniel S was a guest on the Portal with Eric W. Which further let her realize, “oh, he’s been compromised.” He’s been further taken in by the sham show. Eric W is pure controlled disinformation at this point. And he’s doing more harm than good.
Language like “economic controls” rather than referring to “public safety.” Noticing how there’s been multiple mentions of an “18 months” process. Dani thinks maybe this has to deal with how long it could take to put the surveillance state in place. Dani brought up the occult aspect, and how there was a blood sacrifice. (Now in hindsight from when this was said 18 months coincides with the timeframe with which they primed people and rolled out the vaccines throughout most of 2021.)
Dani mentions podcasting with Justin called Conscious Awesome. Also, Emily podcasting with Robert for Matrix Mash.
Full episode #21:
Words #22 — KPFK’s Censorship Club & The Platonic Solids Of Pizzagate (05/05/20)
Dani mentions listening to David Icke’s interview with Brian Rose. Emily doesn’t appreciate what Brian is doing. She’s 100% for freedom of speech, but Brian is someone who already has a big platform, and has a lot of resources, and he’s creating a spectacle. He’s highlighting information that he knows creates division.
Emily feels Brian Rose is exploiting that gut reaction people have to David Icke. (I have to agree, although I enjoyed the Icke interviews.) Emily feels like David Icke isn’t presenting anything new or controversial. She feels like this is just setting up the next level of the Joe Rogan podcast, the next level of bullshit.
Dani says she hears what Emily’s saying. Dani has contractions around the glitz and the spectacle too. She sees all those things. She also feels like David Icke is the godfather who’s been speaking about these things for 30 and it’s been good to get this out more mainstream. She gets what Emily’s saying about Brian. Aesthetically, it’s not her style, although she says “it’s working. He’s moving the needle, and we need that.”
Emily mentions how she started watching London Real since the early days with Nic when they were talking about psychedelics. (I’ve been watching London Real since the early days too. Dani’s not as familiar with Brian, which likely contributes to why she’s not more suspect of Brian’s motives.)
Emily doesn’t necessarily have a problem with finance minded people in the alternative media space, like Brian Rose. There are others who straddle that line. She doesn’t have a problem with that, except when it gets to the commodification of truth in a way that’s sketchy.
At the start with David, Brian said he’s on board with how the government is going to handle this. Yet he has someone like David on, so that he can get in good with the truth freedom people. Emily says there’s something she doesn’t like about him. She finds him disingenuous. The commodification is part of the problem. (My take when this occurred — I was really glad to hear David Icke’s perspective during spring 2020. I was glad he was on a big platform. I also wished it was someone I liked/trusted more than Brian Rose. I already didn’t find Brian Rose trustworthy. There was talk that Brian used this as an opportunity to scam for money.)
They discuss Brian’s foray into the digital freedom platform, and their thoughts. I can see how Dani’s keen on the idea for this and how something like this is needed. But there’s a difference between optimism and realism here. Not only is it not realistic that such a “freedom network” is going to happen. Anyone who’s been tracking Brian for years knows he’s not the one to do it. It’s a business venture for him, or more likely a money-grab.
Dani mentions how it “feels fairly urgent that people get what’s going on.” (I agree, but I question if “urgency” is the best motivator right now. And it’s interesting to look back at this “urgent” phase years later in hindsight). The mission is to “wake up as many people as possible.” In this sense, Emily largely agrees with her.
Dani says she interviewed David once in 2009 (for like 3 hrs) and says he’s the real deal. Dani feels like he’s coming from a good place and wants to help humanity. It’s calming to Dani’s nervous system to hear someone like him speak the truth and say things like “There is no corona.”
Dani and Emily say how they like David Martin. They mention his latest video “the letter” (#5 video?). Emily notes how there’s something strong and sturdy about him. His approach of, “this is right, this is wrong” and he just keeps working. What is actually valuable in the human experience?
Would be nice to have a digital town square. But it’s not Brian’s responsibility to do that? Dani asks if there’s anything even close to a Digital Freedom Network (like the platform Minds — does that still exist?) (Once again looking back, it seems really strange that nothing like a true “digital freedom network” has come to be.)
Talking about Dr. Shiva; he’s not really doing much to help. Dani was following him for years, but not as long as RFK Jr. Emily thinks he has narcissistic personality disorder. He’s gone after Butar and Bigtree. Dani’s friend questioned if Butar is controlled opposition.
Emily mentions Richie from Boston, but she doesn’t like the fear porn. Emily doesn’t think there’s anyone out there who’s a star in the alternative health movement that she’s completely 100% aligned on any one thing. Questioning: Are they lying? Are they making shit up? Are they attacking people? They can be wrong about stuff or can have stuff that she disagrees with. Dani says she completely trusts Bigtree (which I found odd to hear regarding who to trust, as something has always felt off for me with him.)
Emily mentions how she was sick for 6 weeks in November. Never happened to her before and it took her a long time to get over it. Doesn’t fully know what it was.
Next some discussion about 5G and Star link. Dani says there’s an extra magnetic force, and what’s that doing. What story are they pinning it on, once more 5G is deployed and more and more people are exhibiting these symptoms. (The Shuman Resonance has changed.)
Emily states how when you’re deeply looking for truth, you have to be willing to accept an important piece of truthful information regardless of where it comes from. (I get what she’s saying, but I’m not sure I fully agree. I think that premise sometimes is a setup for a trap of allowing some bad actors or poor sources to infiltrate your information pool. Here’s how I see it: If the thing that the questionable source is saying is actually true, why not just come across that truth from another more trustworthy source?)
Emily mentions someone who popped up in 2011/2012 who was speaking nonsense. But people got trapped into listening to this circular bullshit (she doesn’t say who it is, says she can’t remember her name). She remembers two things this person said that happened to be important pieces of truth. With regard to the metaphysical contract you make when you get a cell phone. This was a person who also spoke about reincarnation and choosing the next person.
Emily talks about the platonic solid pizza connection and seeing the Ronan Pizza symbol. It’s very rare that people don’t like pizza. Emily points out that there’s a Circle (pie), a square (box), and a triangle (slice).
Talking about restaurants that have basements in them. The tie-in of basements and pizzagate. We’re never going to get confirmation of something like pizzagate on 60 minutes or from the government, but we’ll see some metaphysical manifestations of it in the physical world. Emily mentions Michael Wann and Susquehanna River (and the 40th parallel). Mentions Sonya having a show the Expansion Zone on KPFK (had Judy Mikovitz on).
Segue about needing the media to tell you the truth. People were calling in to KPFK complaining due to Judy saying no need to wear the masks. KPFK made it clear they’re not there to discuss it, they’re there to tell people to wear the masks. Yet people out there think: if there is truth, they’ll hear it on KPFK (when the more mainstream ones won’t). When really, they’re just there to back up and enforce the mainstream narrative, the systemic bs. While making it seem like it’s crunchy and locally funded. But it’s been funded by intelligence agencies since its inception. (Just like NPR.)
Emily says it’s been hard watching all of her communities dealing with this. They’re all doing this “stay home, stay home” act. Not questioning authority at all, and just going along with the program. Any person who does half a day’s research on this can see this is not actually what the mainstream narrative is claiming it to be. It bothers her that people who claim to not like being told what to do, are totally fine with being told what to do.
They’re still thinking if we just vote hard enough, contact our local politicians enough, blah, blah, blah. They won’t listen to what people like Emily have to say, “this is just a microcosm of a systemic issue.” Like how USA gymnastics is an experimental lab.
Full episode #22:
Words #23 — Search Shrinkage, TDS & Controlled Ops (05–19–20)
Emily says that it’s been around 11 weeks since corona. Dani says she doesn’t want to count because it legitimizes it. It feels programmed to count it. (I get what she’s saying, although I like to count and measure things too.)
Emily brings up how it seems like her search engine results have been strange lately. Dani asks if she uses Google. Emily says not as much (Bing, DuckDuckGo). Dani says Google is owned by Alphabet, and their whole thing is this global vax that they’re working with the global tech.
Dani says that they pulled the “bs fake event in March” to drive the vax thing forward. “Let’s not kid ourselves, that is the end game.” Which comes with amped up censorship. “We’re living in a fascist police state.” She’s sorry to hear about the search engine dilemma, but she’s not surprised. Emily’s not surprised, just hasn’t heard about this happening to anyone else regarding the limited searches. “There’s another blow to our civil liberties.” They’re not hiding the censorship as much.
It surprises Emily that more people aren’t talking about these things. Dani reminds that the Dems put through a bill (around the time that the Reps put out the 5G thing), to criminalize and get rid of all encrypted search engine communication apps.
Dani’s having an issue with the willful ignorance of the people who aren’t doing any research and just allowing the tyranny to happen. Emily thinks people are fooled to believe that “encryption” is hiding the bad things that someone like Trump is doing. Dani adds about TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) bringing her back to the willful ignorance factor. The refusal to click a link and learn more about something.
TDS and mind control shutting down the ability to think critically. Looking at the pushback of the plandemic. Why are people who are supposedly intelligent refusing to take in information? While they’re assassinating these people’s characters based on nothing.
Emily mentions Alex Jones, part of him is the way he delivers, part of him is the way he mixes information together. To be so turned off by a person or the way that information is delivered, they are willing to forgo and push aside the greater important thing which is freedom of speech. In order to not deal with discomfort that person might bring.
Dani and Emily talk more about Trump. She says she doesn’t think he’s a savior but is showing him favor. (I’m actually surprised that Dani thinks Trump is a counter to the globalists. I think with this discussion they’re buying into the “threads” of nonexistent clothes the emperor’s wearing. They’re entertaining that he’s actually a threat to what the globalists are doing. Mentioning that he’s taking down the cabal. I agree that leftist media does so much vile stuff toward him, but that doesn’t negate anything about him. It certainly exaggerates and misleads, but he doesn’t have that good of a track record when you take the leftist media out of the picture.)
Dani’s been pulling back on her social media behavior because it’s just not healthy. She believes it’s beyond people disagreeing, that it’s gone into people messing with the civil liberties of this republic. Trying to figure out why they’re not doing more to figure out what’s really happening. It seems very childish.
Emily says, “if you’re scared or sick, stay home.” Look at information and learn. Communities who’ve always prided themselves as counterculture are now order-followers of the highest magnitude. If something is “wrong” information, then why aren’t we dealing with that like we have since the beginning of time? Why are we not allowed to have a documentary like Plandemic (whether wrong or right)? Yet we have Fauci who’s been wrong multiple times. Why is it less ok to listen to one person be wrong than another?
Dani has known and been friends with Mikki Willis (of Plandemic) for 20 years. This gives her an interesting window of seeing their mutual friends and mutual collaborators completely turn on him, and shred him, while refusing to talk about the facts, statistics, etc. She mentions when she pokes at it because they’re her friends, she heard a friend say “this could help Trump get elected.”
Dani thinks we continue to expect too much from humans. It’s frustrating. Wanting more from them, but clearly we’re witnessing what people are actually capable of. Emily and Dani make reference to Candace Owens. Doesn’t care for how she speaks AND feels like she has some good information.
They harken again about not disregarding someone just because you don’t like something about them. (I have a lot to say on this topic once again. My point is this, why is it so hard to find someone in the media, even the alt media, who both says some good information AND does it in a way that isn’t cringe. I simply don’t want to listen to those who I find cringey. And I think that’s legit stance to have.) Emily states, how now when there’s a sensitivity to something, “they” avoid it. Rather than build up a tolerance to it. (I understand this perspective. There’s something to say for not avoiding things and building a tolerance to it.)
Back to the point that the MSM is programming people what to make of people who don’t wear masks. People who are wearing the masks were indoctrinated about what it means for someone who’s not wearing a mask. Telling them why they’re doing it, rather than asking why. (I was very aware of this at the time and had no one to talk to about it.) Dani believes this is due to their lack of independent thinking that this is happening.
Dani had a rough week last week, getting thrown out of an outdoor nursery for not wearing a mask. Which comes from the mainstream engineering around this. Dani goes on to say, “like my choice to leave the house as a free person has anything to do with you and your silly engineered fear. I’m not thinking of you, at all. I’m living my life.” She emphasizes that it’s a whole SJW thing.
Emily states again, “If you’re sick or you’re scared, stay home.” Anything that goes beyond that is against logic, against science, against reality. Anything further than that needs to be questioned. If you believe masks work, then you having one should be fine. You’re free to do that, go ahead. (Anyone should be free to not wear one.) Dani says the mind control has taken logic and put it in the toilet. Emily says people already have a fear of death, then when you add more fear to illogical stuff, it just blows it over.
Dani says how it’s go-time for the vax. She mentions Midnight Gospel with Duncan Trussell. In the show’s animation, there’s random, disturbing instances of hypodermic needles. Emily notes the symbolism of tips and penetration. Creating a comfort level of penetration into a space that’s not comfortable to you. Using the fear of death to coerce.
Look at what Joe Rogan has done: he’s taken people from questioning reality and authority to him being a vaccine pusher. Then there’s Duncan Trussell, Eddie Bravo and friends of Joe Rogan inserting these ideas in other places. Emily says, “they’ve always wanted to use the psychedelic or spiritual space as a way to trick people into transhumanism or this kind of stuff.” Joe Rogan has made this kind of bridge obvious. Also Jason Silva who likes the idea of uploading his consciousness to a computer chip.
Dani loops back around to the blatant programming aspect, especially when someone opens themselves up with weed or psychedelics when watching things. Dani can’t think of a time when she was bombarded with the image of needles. (Interesting that she’s saying this in May of 2020, as I would end up seeing the pictures of needles in thumbnails on YouTube every day of 2021, ugh. I’m guessing the preponderance of seeing needles occurred for most people.)
Was it contractually obligated by Netflix to push out this kind of hypodermic needle animation. Emily mentions how Susan Rice is on the board at Netflix, and the Obamas are involved with Netflix too. Emily says it’s about creating an opening for something that would normally not be accepted, to be accepted. Creating an opening for tyranny by scaring people. That’s how they always do it.
Mentioning David Martin’s point: you know you’re dealing with BS propaganda when you’re being made to feel scared and shamed. When someone says, “You’re not smart enough to understand this” — this is a form of shame.
Dani mentions Aubrey Marcus, and how he’s already stepped down from Onnit (which he started in partnership with Joe Rogan.) Aubrey had posted saying how at first, he was on board that this was a sham and this wasn’t real. Then he posted how both his parents have CV-19. Dani’s immediate thought was how he’s part of that Joe Rogan mind-control crew. She feels that “Joe Rogan” is shorthand for “mind control.” Emily mentioned the Onnit products, Roll-On and Roll-Off.
Dani asks if Emily saw the new Lex Fridman interview with Elon. She says it was offensive how blatant the transhumanism propaganda was. She said it was repulsive. (At the time, I watched part of that interview, and it didn’t sit well with me. Although I wasn’t as bothered by it when I watched it as I am now. Lex was newer to me, and I gave more leniency then.)
Rogan is the person there to make it seem uncool if you haven’t taken the vax yet. Joe goes with the social clout and his listeners don’t want to look uncool. Emily says the Joe Rogan thing is such a conundrum, as there are so many people who found their way to a whole load of truth through being initiated first through Rogan and the podcast, opening up alternative news or lifestyle choices. But how many of those earlier viewers have moved on because of what he views now and how he acts now?
Dani says that it feels like “the frogs who are slowly boiling to death.” How it’s been very strategic the way Joe has pulled back on things he knows, or he’s changing his mind. Now it seems obvious, but for people who’ve been listening the whole time, it’s been gradual. Most of them haven’t noticed. (I hadn’t noticed in 202, although I was only a casual viewer of Joe’s podcast. It would take me a couple more years before I fully caught on to Joe’s act.)
Emily brings up the point that most people don’t listen to as much media as she and Dani do, which may contribute to why others don’t pick up on it. Most just continue to think that they are questioning reality, or choosing the alternative, by watching Joe Rogan (since it’s not MSM.)
Emily mentions how she’s fatigued from all the CV-19 stuff. She says it’s not a real word; it’s a mind control word. (Wow, this episode was only May 2020, and she was already fatigued. I think my fatigue was more gradual. Part of me may have been fatigued by the actual media bombardment of it, but part of me was intrigued by figuring out the “story” — what was real and what was fake. I was actively looking for alternative CV-19 stuff for awhile.)
Emily asks, “Why do you think so many people in the spiritual or alternative community are buying it?” They’re good on the part that there should be alternative methods to treat, but they think this a real thing to be feared. Dani adds that she thinks it goes back to the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). She notes how it’s all “love and light and community consciousness, except for Trump.” (Ha, I can see that!)
Dani says she tuned out, not wanting to listen to things around this in early Feb. The message heard was “Turn it off,” in response to the mind control nature of it, and how it’s being transmitted through the words. (I did this as well, although I do that for a lot of MSM ‘news’ stories. But yeah, I really didn’t tune into it until there was sickness in NYC with me & people I know)
Full episode #23:
Words #24 — A Holistic View of Things (06–04–24)
Dani mentions how the social media “blackout” was simultaneous with Hilary having to testify. This references the virtue signaling inherent with compelling users to post the black square on Instagram.
The discussion highlights a George Soros false flag, for stoking the racial stuff. Emily mentions “the political operatives of the left” and the implication of how “failure to care about this is racist.”
Commentary on the creation of coronavirus in 2001. Emily mentions blood types that are more susceptible. Even before the coronavirus rollout, they seem to put individuals out there like George Soros and Bill Gates, to have people pile on the “one bad guy.” Emily says how this detracts from the methods being used. This allows for an inclusion of scapegoats. George Soros for the left, the Coke brothers for the right.
Emily observes that the problem is there’s too many people focused on “Bill Gates getting arrested” or “the politicians need to get arrested.” People put their energy toward “who needs to be taken down.” This captures people, instead of energy and focus being put on having more understanding about how this has to stop. With certain people, you can’t explain to them (or argue with them) — it’s a waste of time.
Emily realizes that when she removes the names (Obama, Trump, etc.) and describes the mechanisms instead, there’s more room to move. Engage the process of how to look at things that don’t make sense and start from there. Rather than watch the news, if you can watch local livestreams that are being shared.
Emily thinks that the coronavirus thing is collapsing. That whatever it is, it’s not that deadly. Dani asks, “do you think it’s done?” Referencing the report from Italy, Emily says that on a clinical level, the coronavirus doesn’t exist. Dani also asks, “is that getting play? Is the mainstream paying attention?” Emily responds, “not much.”
Emily states, “I’ve been to other parts of the country, they are open. People are over it.” Emily just had her first instance of somebody asking her why she didn’t have a mask. Although the woman asked more out of curiosity than for scolding. Dani asks, “Do you think they’re going to stage a second wave?” Emily says, “Yes.”
Dani and Emily ponder about the response to the coronavirus op. Noting how people were more obedient than “they” likely expected. Some are obedient out of fear, some out of just playing along.
Dani mentions how there’s a lot of money and interest invested in the tax. Because it's not just Pharma and profit and control, it’s surveillance with the chips. Dani also mentions how they need the cover for 5G.
Emily suggests that the new currency is going to be how you’re able to manipulate time. Stating that we’ve been dealing with this for some time, but now it seems they’re ready to reveal it. Manipulating time, that’s the new game. (Mention of Darren Williams referring to “time acupuncture”) You’re having an awareness something is coming, then getting ahead of it.
Talking about applications on cell phones, where are we going with that? Dani mentions the phrase “traditional crypto-currency.” Once the door is open for this: “The contact tracing we put in for covid, it’s now for this…” This was always the plan. A ritual, an initiation to bring in the social credit score. What are the ways to bypass more obvious ways of communication? Gaming, Second Life. Does Elon Musk have thoughts about this?
(In viewing this, I can see most of what Emily and Dani are connecting here. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t thinking any of this at the time of this discussion. While spidey-senses were up, the unfolding was more gradual for me. I’m not sure if it was that the answers weren’t jumping out at me, or if I simply wasn’t looking for answers. I remember spring and summer of 2020 to be more about observing and taking it all in. Props to Dani and Emily for sharing their deductions in real time).
Emily says she’s seeing some good things and seeing some bad things. Dani asks, “What are some of the good things you’re seeing?” Emily’s being optimistic about some of the changes and messaging, like listing black restaurants and wanting to support music.
Around the 58:00 minute mark, Dani brings up how “it’s social engineering to virtue signal in a way that is amplifying attention on shallow identifiers that create more fragmentation.” Dani sees that Emily is trying to connect to the honorable intentions. Dani can’t pretend that it’s not a giant, gross, separation, identity, engineering sham. Emily agrees how it is that, but she also wants to assess within that. Is this just totally gross or is there any foundation in this?
Dani highlights how every community and small business took a hit, and how she’s not going to elevate any race over another. Everyone needs our help. Dani understands how these things can come up on the radar, and to take a higher ground or a compassionate stance. She just feels like we’re being played, and she doesn’t want to enable the engineering.
They spoke about the Constitution and the protection of freedom of speech. Emily is realizing that we’re living in a world where a lot of people can’t seem to “get it.” And it’s complicated, because these are people we love or have bonded with. Emily is now in a place of pulling back and seeing “where is this person coming from?” Are they coming from a heartfelt place with this? Or are they literally just parroting nonsense talking points?
Emily says how she’s reading the books Right Use of Will and Gene Keys, to Dani’s excitement. Some people are going to be able to handle what’s coming on earth, and some people aren’t. The people who can’t get it, are gonna get another chance to come back again. (For what it’s worth, I feel like Emily is saying this in more of a practical way — this is how it’s playing out kind of way. Although I could see how a sentiment like this might sound like some kind of spiritual bypass. Are we just to let the karma/dharma/whatever unfold?)
Emily asks, “Did you catch right at the very beginning of this — it’s still under the radar — there’s been a couple of things to me that are signaling the next mind control thing for people who can’t get over their belief in a political system?” Mention of The Jesse Ventura Program. Emily sees him as being groomed as a release valve on the left. Like how Ron Paul was on the right. She thinks all the ideas are possible right now. Except for the broader idea that anything is organic these days.
Discussion segues to false flags and whether these things are happening a particular way, and the damage they’re doing to our psyche. Dani says, even if Floyd happened, it was staged. Dani brings up Truthstream Media (Santa Claus) addressing how our government would go through so many machinations to fake something to manipulate us. The answer is yes. Which begs the question is: Can the psyche handle that?
Emily is curious about how it was discovered that “it’s easier to fool someone that convince someone that they’ve been fooled.” It’s such a unique feature of humans. And how some people will defend their captors to the death. Emily mentioned doing a show with Sarah, which reminds her of Randy Nook. (That’s what I call it…Randy Nook… well, you know)
People are believing in something that isn’t true. It upsets them when you might bring up to them that it indeed isn’t true. Emily saw a video where it was stated that we’re in Stage 3 of what Yuri B shared. Between crisis point and the fold-over into the mind-controlled place it’s meant to take us.
Up next, mention of James Corbett’s 4-part series on Bill Gates. Both Dani and Emily watched it. Emily said that the most important takeaway is not that he’s “bad” per se, but that this is how it works (with philanthropy). Another reminder to stop looking at the person and notice all the things that are funny/fishy (the things that make you go hmmm).
Emily brings up Neal Sanders, who wrote a book about mind control. He also did research on the Cambridge Analytica thing. He made a map that visually shows the connections. Dani says, that’s what we need to make the connections digestible.
How to get a whole idea of what’s holistically going on here. How to integrate the knowledge to see what’s happening, rather than only what’s happened. To look at what’s the new infection of ideas and technologies that are backing this whole thing.
Emily says we have to stop worrying about the “big bad man” getting punished and start really understanding how the world works. Then we can decide whether we want to participate in that roadway or not. If we see it as a map, then we can decide which connections we want to be involved in. She doesn’t think that we can help the people who don’t have nuance in their thought. Dani agrees. (I agree as well)
Let it happen, the natural falling away of something. Allow that separation to happen. There are places you can go if you want to be in the matrix, and places you can’t. There’s going to be a whole other economy happening. A world that pops up based on the people that don’t want to do that. There will be an entire market that will open up of holistic health care providers — consisting of individuals/practices that don’t make you wear a mask, don’t make you get your temperature taken, don’t make you have to do any bs thing.
Full episode #24:
Words #25 — Shifting & Evolving (06–18–20)
Dani and Emily mention how they’re shifting with their own platforms. Dani gives an update about New Mexico. SpaceX and the Los Alamos lab are in NM. The Governor of NM, Michelle Lujan Grisham, is a globalist.
Dani mentions she’s really diving into Yuri Bes. (Stage 4 normalization). Dani moved to Sante Fe thinking it would be a free place. She’s a little disappointed in how they’ve responded to the sham, but she’s also really hopeful. It’s a democratic state; and just like those other states, there’s a democratic infection. Is the mayor, Alan Meyer, corrupt or stupid?
Noticing a low amount of mask wearing. Dani has worn a mask once and sees a lot of people not wearing them. She’s not being attacked about it (minus not getting into the farmer’s market). Emily mentions how Dani was guided to go there before all of it started. Emily highlights that she believes people were meant to be where they are when it started and to see it from there. And not jumping ship from that place quickly.
Dani says some natives have been very strict. Epigenetic activation going on for some natives. Dani also considers the native poverty and diet with sugar and programmable matter. She was initially surprised to see them cow-tow to the madness. Dani also mentions how Santa Fe is a hub of progressive health and wellness (the #1 industry there) and how it’s a self-responsible wellness community.
The discussion goes to: “If the timeline comes to pass that they do the forced-vaxxed crap, then we’re not crossing state lines anymore. Then we’re picking one place and we’re creating community there. We’re moving underground invisibly from there.” Different states will have different laws. Let’s hold the vision of shutting things down like IDs and passports. The reality may be that we’re unable to get into certain places. It will affect our ability to fly/travel.
Bringing up how rules changed around transparency of changing food ingredients for foods and labels. Law about how the FDA can change food ingredients and not tell you about it. With concerns about GMO stuff and industry self-regulation, it’s better to grow our own food.
At around 28:00, the discussion moves to the protests, riots, the fake BLM stuff, George Soros, etc. Dani thinks Bill Gates and Hilary will eventually go down. Emily mentions that during what we’ve been observing going on, she’s trying hard to hold on to her humanity. To not think the absolute worst of everybody. To resist the urge to call everyone an absolute mind-controlled “sheeple” who can’t think for themselves. Part of her wants to do this but wants to say measured. (I’ve also taken the stance of not calling others sheeple, although I get why some say it. It just seems to be another divisive word, not to mention implies a self-hatred of one’s human race.)
Emily noted how all her subscriptions have been “on script” to personalize the form letter and send it out. She was pushed over the edge when she received an email from the culinary agents, and how it was infantilizing.
Dani says how it isn’t a race thing; it’s a control thing. Back Lives Matter was the reason Dani got thrown out of Reality Sandwich in 2013. She realized how the language was bigoted. Dani says defunding the police is a democratic socialist strategy that started with 3 million from George Soros.
The social media “black out” just happened to be on the day of Hilary’s trial. Dani says the message of the “black out” is: “If you’re not apologizing for being ‘not black’ then you’re the problem.”
Emily mentions talking with Laura about: “What is the resonance of BLM?” She searched and saw an article, after a slew of new BLM listings, about a nuclear radioactive molecule that can bind to certain sites on your body (something like this). This isn’t just a psyop, it’s a dark matter ritual going far inside and outside bodies. Emily highlights an article: “Anonymous Berkeley Prof shreds BLM Injustice Narrative.”
Dani says Bret and Heather are speaking sanity on the current situation around the BLM stuff. Dani emphasizes how there’s been a huge financial hit for everyone. Dani notes how everyone’s attention is fragmented. How we need to be mobilizing to stop the tyrannical fascist police-state technocracy from barreling down upon us.
Dani wants to give the populace a bit of a break because they don’t know what she and Emily and others know. They’re being indoctrinated and poisoned from every angle. The “globalist scumbags” are doing such a great job at controlling the masses that they can run such stupid shams, yet they still work.
Dani says we cannot discount the amount of fear people are being bombarded with. How much cortisol has been running through everyone’s system? Media continues to exacerbate things. Dani’s bummed that people are being this stupid, but they’re being manipulated into being this stupid. Emily mentions the third gene key, which relates to chaos.
Emily shares about going to brunch with Laura and meeting a man who either recognized her or felt familiar with her. He sat with them, and she made friends with him. She said he can see through all the shit. The restaurant felt nice, even though it was in busy downtown LA.
Dani mentions the shift into the fifth dimension, and that involves a deeper recognition and a deeper knowing for those of us who are holding a certain frequency. Dani’s experiencing it in her life in her own ways. How those who see through it can sense each other. In her meditations, she can see all of our hearts connected in sacred geometric grids. She feels it so strong.
Those of us who get it have been on this mission for lifetimes and lifetimes. We’ve been social pariahs going through all the stuff we’ve gone through. We’re operating at a different frequency; we can sense one another. Right now, we’re all connected. (I can relate to this too. This perspective taps into a broader arc of what’s occurring. Much bigger time periods/seasons/eras and our personal journeys through it. I enjoy pondering broader contexts.)
Dani believes the worlds are splitting. The 3D zombies who are buying into the sham, they get to live out whatever gross shit they get to live out. And we do too. It’s subtle and nuanced about where we’re supposed to be, when we’re supposed to be. Who we’re supposed to connect with, and what’s continuing to unfold.
They mention Taos, New Mexico and what’s been happening there with vortexes and geometry. We’re so myopic that we don’t consider what these lands and vortexes were for. Dani and Emily mention how they were both born at Cedars of Lebanon.
Back to discussing the psyops. “They bake every possible layer into the cake.” They mention how Bane and Company are strategizing all of this. Dani wants to meet them, go on an interview to consult with them. Probably better as just a fantasy, after going on their website she can feel how evil they are. Emily interjects how infiltration can’t really happen. Even if you can do it in terms of logistics, it won’t happen energetically.
Dani is feeling more hopeful. Like something shifted over the weekend. Although she says she’s prone to idealism and delusional thinking. She’s noticing there are lots of people waking up. There are a lot of people with big mouths who get it.
Emily says it’s narrative warfare. If they can suck you into their narrative, rather than you maintaining your own narrative that you’re contracting. That’s the battle. We can analyze externally, but the weight must be heavier towards what you’re doing, as opposed to what everyone else is doing. Don’t get sucked into one of their narratives. Or become bombarded and confused by all of their narratives. Emily mentioned her interview with Jacob Lederman about how to deal with what is right in front of you.
Full episode #25:
Words #26 — Agreeing Is Unnecessary… But Nice When It Happens (07–07–20)
A word of caution for following data streams that were based on fear. Gotta be careful of this. Consider what it’s like not choosing to live based on concerns and fears. What would it be like to follow the behavior of wealthy people? Mention of states that are holding out like South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Montana. Maybe Nebraska and Missouri.
Dani mentions how it’s easy to find online information about the issues with “cases,” etc. Emily shares about having a conversation with her dad regarding deeper conversation as a society about if this is how we want to live or not. The world is not a safe place, and it has never been a safe place for a variety of reasons. Is it acceptable to live in this way where we fear each other? It really doesn’t make sense, and we’re damaging our quality of life based on a series of maybes.
Dani adds how it’s not just about quality of life, but how the social fabric is being destroyed. Like the way people treat each other, and the way children are being raised. This is really damaging on a deep psycho-emotional level. (I remember feeling steeped in this concern. How so many people around me were either ignoring or avoiding these broader ramifications. Thinking, “here we go again, creating a whole new slew of problems because of the chosen ‘solution’.” Then spend the rest of our lives cleaning up the mess of these poor decisions.”
Emily accentuates that it’s not a healthy world for old people to die not having to hug their children. It’s not okay for children to grow up looking at masked faces. Continuing to note her conversation with her dad, he said, “I agree with you about the old people. But as far as the masses, I don’t think it’s a big deal with kids living that way, they’ve been doing it in China for years.” Emily’s like OMG. Dani adds how we’re at the “normalization” stage and people like it (ie: the masks). Dani and Emily bring up how it’s elder abuse, child abuse, and basically human abuse.
Dani mentions how she had a full-on meltdown over the past 10 days from the isolation and not having enough kindness and connection. She said even if this stopped now, we would need mass trauma release. It’s a different type of psychological genocidal warfare, and it’s horrible. Emily says we’re in a different phase as the masks have been normalized and staying inside has been normalized. (I make note that they’re speaking of this during the first weekend of July, which was all pre-vax).
Amazing Polly comes up. Emily is unsure of her, as Emily is with anyone who’s rise to fame happened around the Q phenomenon. Dani says Polly is more about Health Freedom than about Q. Dani says she’s smart and good at backing things up. Emily feels that the Q phenomenon in general has been damaging to the foundational values of a lot of people in the truth movement. (For me it’s so clearly a huge deliberate operation.)
Dani asks Emily, “how do you see it being damaging?” She finds it disturbing that it’s allowed to bring up old stuff to be recycled as being the solution or ‘savior’ — although she understands the appeal of Q. Dani says she’s a Q agnostic, and she’s pretty agnostic with most things. She likes that the Q stuff is mostly positive. Although she thinks it’s a psyop. (There’s mention of Cynthia McKinney.)
The discussion moves toward these narrative pieces: the respiratory aspect, “Can’t breathe” and Gates CO2 stuff. Who buys into it? Why are they programming us in this particular way? Emily mentions watching the Rebel Wisdom series, The War on Sensemaking. Dani says Rebel Wisdom lost her when they ripped David Icke as a conspiracy theorist. She notes there being too much ego. She feels that Daniel Schmacthenberger is totally compromised and a CIA asset. (I enjoyed the Daniel S Rebel Wisdom talks, wasn’t initially suspicious of them, and I become a Rebel Wisdom member during 2021. This is a very interesting parallel for me, as it would take my own experience to see some red flags with Daniel S and RW).
Clearly, it’s becoming more challenging to assess information. Dani talked about masks and the governor in New Mexico. Onto sharing stories about working in restaurants, comparing it to those who are the current type of individual who is complaining about those who aren’t wearing masks.
The discussion shifts to Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein. Dani knows Heather and doesn’t think she’s the shill that Dani thinks Bret to be. Emily says he likes them both. Dani says she respects them. Emily says that they are for the people, they are not for the borg. (Dani and Emily seem to be pretty favorable of them at this point in time. Spoiler alert, their opinion of them would change over time. I started listening to Words podcast at around episode #82, so at that point Dani and Emily had many discussions about them, particularly Bret due to some of his shady stuff. For me, it was sometime during 2022 that I stopped gelling with Bret’s offerings.)
Back to interpersonal relating, Emily says her style is more that she’s not trying to convince anyone when she’s speaking to them. That’s not the goal she’s going for. She’s not trying to convert someone. She’s trying to have an effective dialogue back and forth so that we can coexist peacefully and understand and respect each other. She also feels Bret and Heather have this temperament. A lingering question: Is Bret programmed away from looking at anything that might be conspiratorial?
Dani says those of us who are liberal minded, that it takes a long time to wean away from both the validity of those sources and all the narratives and perspectives there.
Emily says that the thing that woke her up has nothing to do with left/right issues. Her wake-up thing was a class she took called the Psychology of Drug Use, and the professor created a textbook binder that had the original documents that Gary Webb used for the Iran contra crack cocaine issue (which was created by the CIA). Emily saw the mechanism of creating a problem so you can install a solution, that you decided beforehand was something you wanted to do. Textbook case of Problem- Reaction- Solution. “The people who want to solve the problem, create the problem.”
Emily says that once you see the trick/mechanism, you don’t have to be pulled into the political use of it, as the trick is non-partisan. (I agree 100%)
Emily would be open to guests joining the discussion, ones that are more social or political commentators. Dani mentions how she would love to interview the alternative press. She would love to interview Tim Poole, Styxhexenhammer, or Candace Owens. Emily mentions Michael Malice. Emily says they may have to start closer in, as they are a smaller show.
Emily asks what’s going on with the social temperature with race relations? Dani is fascinated by the social engineering. How so many people can show up for a BLM protest, yet no one blinks an eye about shutting down the global economy. Dani cites the example of 72 people speaking at the city council meeting: 71 on the statues getting taken down and 1 on the masks.
Discussion of the BLM money being funneled to Biden. Dani’s been trying to focus on the documentary, but she’s been down about how mean people are being to one another.
She feels she hit the wall and is taking a stance of: let the matrix do what it will with this shit show, and I’m going to do my stuff over here. To put her focus on doing her quantum languaging book and take her energy out of it.
Emily says she wants to be very conscious of what she’s creating. Emily feels resistance is a waste of time. It’s never going back to what it was, so don’t waste time trying to make that happen. That would be stealing from your future. Have to be mindful about where we’re putting our attention, so we don’t fall into the same traps.
Dani’s studying communism to get herself up to speed. She’s reading Saul Alinsky’s book. Devoting herself to what’s new. What are the solutions? How fun can we make it? And let them have their “slave world.” Emily thinks there are portals all around us to create different realities.
Dani says it’s about being invisible, not attracting too much attention. Just moving between the cracks and between the worlds. Doing our own thing. Emily agrees.
Full episode #26:
Words #27 — Athlete A Scores Well… The Weinstein Bros — Not So Much (07–21–20)
Dani and Emily give a review of the documentary Athlete A on Netflix. As they were gymnasts from an early age, they have a close connection to the gymnastics world and personal insights on how something as horrendous as this can occur. (I remember watching this documentary when it came out; it was horrifying and saddening. I didn’t need more evidence of learning about the darker side of such institutions such as the Olympics and professional gymnastics, I already had some awareness of it.)
Discussion about the good investigating happening here, and where is the aspect of good journalism in general. Dani questions: “Where are those lone rogue journalists who still have ethics, who still have integrity? Who are willing to meander around whatever restrictions are being imposed upon them?” Sometimes it seems such questions are voiced into a vacuum.
Emily mentions how Robert brought up the greater control system and how sports is falling within it. Bringing up the question: In reaction to these bigger ops, will sports be sacrificed? It sure does seem like there’s a lot of shady things occurring around sports. Noticing how these things are now being exposed.
Not taking away from the atrocities of Larry Nasser, you can consider the framing that he is “taking the fall.” Now that this happened, now that he’s been caught, there can be the follow-up of: “see, it’s being taken care of.” An instance of “little fish portrayed to be the big fish.” Taking attention from the larger rot of the actual institution and system. Dani wonders how deep the level of control goes and how deep they’re monitoring.
Dani mentions the Darkhorse podcast and Bret & Heather with BLM movement stuff. Pointing out how they’re not understanding how it plays into the bigger pictures and control mechanisms. (As of today, I’d say they do understand and they’re pretending not to.)
Emily says “it’s a pressure release” when these particular story fallouts happen. Emily shares a story about how she was fired the day before a particular gymnastics meet. The girls weren’t told the true story. This is an example of the psychological abuse that happens within the gymnastics world.
Dani asks “What do you think the larger thing is?” She doesn’t know if people know the level of corruption that exists. What’s going on in gymnastics is also going on in government, on both sides. Blackmailing and manipulating people. (Emily mentions “brown stoning projects”)
Emily makes the correlation as to why everyone is wearing a mask right now. Because we’re living a lie, and people can’t face the lies. Our unwillingness to be aware of what’s going on. (I have to agree, that seems to be one layer of the mask wearing.)
Dani gives a quick run through on Bari Weiss, a writer at the NYTimes. (Saying she’s super pro-Is). She was on Rogan and wrote about the IDW in the NYTimes. Now, she’s resigned from the NYTimes for being too left and thought police-like. (Supposedly — that’s what Bari’s saying regarding her resignation. But is she reliable or truthful?) Emily notes how Bari also called Tulsi a toadie. Bari’s an “annoying centrist, Neo-con Neo-liberal.” Now she’s coming out against “cancel culture” after making her career out of being a proponent of cancel culture.
Dani feels like people have gone after her jugular and want her “nailed to the cross.” (While talking about Bari, reference was made to the Is/Pal conflict, and hating what Bari says about it.) Dani doesn’t like the trend from the left of people having to follow a script to get out of “culture jail” when it’s deemed they’ve done something wrong. Emily thinks Bari did this to preserve her career. (I thought this as well. Also see now how that was her segue to what’s called the Mainstream Alternative Media). Noting how Eric Weinstein came to Bari’s defense on Twitter. Dani mentions watching Bret Easton Ellis on Dave Rubin, and how he also ties back to Eric W. Their discussion was about cancel culture and losing trust in the media.)
Dani updates us that she can no longer listen to the Darkhorse podcast. Noting how with Ep. 30, the propaganda about the virus was so strong. Emily says how all the IDW people appear to be back in the loop in the past 4–6 weeks. All of the IDW people are riding the wave of “the virus is real.”
Emily mentions she likes Matt Taibi, but she couldn’t get through the Bret interview. Dani brings Eric W talking about Epstein and BLM. (I remember seeing Eric speak about these things. I was intrigued, and I have to admit I wasn’t really clocking Eric yet. I think I just found it interesting that someone was actually talking about Epstein, as there was so little actual discussion about it at the time, outside of the very limited MSM coverage.)
Emily says they’re a dark web that you get caught in, because they sound a little smarter and more intellectual. “They widen the margins of the conversation about a centimeter on each side.” Everybody was so tired of being stifled that it felt like a massive pressure release. Dani says, “we were so excited… for like a second.” Emily says, it never actually went anywhere that has meaning at all, for freedom or honesty, or any of that kind of stuff.
The IDW-adjacent framing comes up. Like with Maajid and Joe Rogan — Are they considered IDW? Emily brings up the point that there’s such a concerted effort for all of these IDW people to never include anybody who is critical of Is (as exemplified by Dave Rubin’s show).
Next, they discuss the etymology of mandate. Emily notices signs saying “must wear a mask by mandate.” The mandates are really “suggestions” but the problem is the media is in on the collusion. Therefore, as the press gets disseminated by the media, it gains more power than it actually has. “We no longer have a free press.” (In looking back, I find it Interesting that Dani would say this, as Bari Weiss’s next project is called The Free Press. Oy vey.)
Emily says, I’m not going to fight for you, I’m going to ignore you. Dani says, I’m not resisting anything, I’m standing for justice. Accentuating that she’s just living her life as a sovereign law-abiding being, rather than being at odds with anything.
Dani shares that she had her first instance of being harassed by another member of the public. This hadn’t happened to her before. These are the remarks that were thrown at her: “No mask. What makes you so special?” and “Are you on mescaline?” lol
Full episode #27:
Words #28 — Too Bad There Is Nothing To Talk About…. (08–05–20)
Emily mentions her recent show talking with Mark Delvin. Talked about how things have been going down where he lives in England. Also his new book, plus some of their thoughts around how some in the dance culture seen aren’t “getting it.”
Dani says we’re losing our inability to hold paradox and/or both sides that don’t line up. Emily says what’s been lost is intelligence. The ability to hold two opposing ideas in your mind at the same time without being committed to either one of them. That’s gone.
Sharing about how her dad is scared when he sees her, how she has to wear a mask when she sees him. He’s had pneumonia twice in the past couple over years, so if there is a chance of susceptibility, he feels that’s the case with him (also being diabetic & heart surgery).
For those who are fearful, and not using logic around this, could this be a side-effect of longterm mind control? So many have been sedated on nonsense for so long, that “intelligence” muscle hasn’t been flexed. Now that you need the ability to think, it’s not that you won’t — it’s that you can’t. Having compassion for those experiencing this, rather than being made at people for being willing dupes. (I had a similar stance). Making note of being inside. Haven’t seen the sun and haven’t had human/social contact/touch.
With Emily and her dad, there’s “a formalization of how we just don’t see the world the same anymore.” But there’s been a developing mutual respect.
Regarding the Biden situation. How does Trump being bad translate into Biden being an impressive person. Dani finds it hilarious that they’re backing this old white dude. Who’s extremely unimpressive. Dani feels that the dementia is an obvious piece as well
She feels the democrats have abandoned all reason and critical thinking. Emily’s dad’s argument is that you always have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Acknowledged the problems with someone like Ruth Bader Greenberg.
Mention of Emily’s latest Matrix Mash (#23.2) with Robert Phoenix about their theories about what’s going on with the Weinsteins. The matrix responded with how Ted Cruz was on Dave Rubin, and Ted Cruz also has a podcast, and talked with Eric Weinstein (and Michael Knowles was there). Pull together certain parts of progressivism and some aspects of conservatism and call a new liberatarianism (Dani says it’s flat out socialism). Another iteration of thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
Dani says the whole reason why we’re in this how nonsensical, pathetic mess is that people have forgotten to have a vision and get excited about something. We can co-create our country however we want. Rather than default in fear and play defense, which is gross. Emily adds how it’s always about playing everyone “safe.”
Discussed the broadening of what’s now considered “white supremacist” (like “being on-time” or grammar is racist). No longer people being in a group like KKK (devoted to it) it’s now encompassing things that can be misconstrued as racially insensitive. Dani wants to call out how these words are being co-opted.
Emily and Dani are saying how the “the simulation is tightening up.” Dani mentioned a documentary that she’s working on, sharing texts with the director, and she mentioned a NASA document. She also was watching the Dollar Vigillante (Jeff Berwick) and he mentioned the same NASA document. Emily says that manifestation is also happening really quick right now. Fun things, like peacocks and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Emily asks, What is the mechanism there? Is it how we talk about something? Dani says they’re the same mechanisms that always apply, they’re just amped up and accelerated right now. Dani shared how last week she was involved in a couple of groups in Santa Fe to fight this or talk about that — then it kind of hit her all at once that “I need to get out of all of this.” She was giving her attention to the construct that is the matrix and she’s ratifying it, and she’s letting herself be swayed by this giant psyop. And it’s not where she wants to be putting her attention.
Emily poses the idea of: what if there’s a time period when reality is very changeable — like due to the magnetosphere or the way the planets are — that makes things able to happen. This is when “they” have to keep everyone distracted on some low frequency things, because otherwise people will just be making what they want and “they” will lose control of everything. This could be why things just get increasingly stupid — to keep people watching. To distract us from this great year of possible manifestation.
Ask yourself this question: Is this what I’m here to do?
Dani gets what she’s saying and agrees, except she doesn’t think it’s a temporal portal. She thinks this is how it is now. Dani thinks that we’re shifting into 5th dimensional reality into a much easier, quicker, more immediate manifestation. This is now how it is. She thinks it’s time for all of us who are here to anchor new light codes to bring something different, and to let it all go. Dani feels like we’ve already won, it’s just playing out more slowly in 3D and she doesn’t need to get hung up on how it figures itself out. She’s just choosing to align with what’s exciting for her to align with. (Emily also agrees with Dani, just specified that the beginning portal is more like something that occurs to the early adopters or those who enter there first, to feel the magic.)
At around 34 minutes, Emily mentions Sonia interviewing a woman named Peggy from Healthy American (dot org). How she’s sharing her information gracefully and not arguing or fighting with people. While what she’s doing is not for Emily, how she’s doing it is good for her. It’s good for people to get honest with themselves, and decide: this is my place.
Dani mentions how she’s in the process of writing her new book, shifting the language of culture from hierarchy to heterarchy. Diving into the book she’s diving into masculine and feminine energetics. The issue is that we marginalize feminine energetics like intuition and emotion/ Noted that recognition of facial expressions is considered feminine. (Which ties into the whole mask thing and blocking the faces)
Emily thinks that what we’re living in right now is taking a small amount of right-brained content and applying all of these tools of analysis to the point where it’s ruined, as it becomes tools as well.
Dani searched “pseudo-science” on Wikipedia and she said that the list is hilarious. It consists of every natural wellness tool that you’d want, and nutritional paradigms that she’s into, and any cool metaphysical thing. She says she sees through the Wikipedia sham, that basically if they’re saying it’s pseudo-science, then we know it’s something that we’d want to look into. Emily again reiterates that this is in line with the idea that anything of right-brain origin or content is undermined, that it’s pseudo-science.
Emily recalls the racial talks from a few weeks back about slave reparations. Dani says, “It’s every culture on the planet in every country on the planet, since the beginning of time — has been a slave.” Emily mentions how there was research proving that the Irish had been slaves, for example. But often there are challenges and discrediting misinformation in the process when bringing up any previous research. And how these days the debunking comes from places like AP and Reuters. But is this a deeper researched truth?
Full episode #28: